World-class accounting and planning systems for creative, media and marketing companies.
Agency DNA are experts in cloud business systems.
We advise on the selection and guide the implementation of world-class cloud accounting and planning systems for globally focused and fast-moving creative, media and marketing companies and agencies.
Our clients gain solutions to improve data management and integrity, enjoy better timed and more insightful reporting, and acquire system platforms on which they can underpin company-wide digital transformations.
Why Agency DNA?
We have deep knowledge and experience in leading finance system transformations within some of the world’s top creative, marketing and media companies, and we know the value this brings to our clients.
We ensure you choose the right systems to run your business more efficiently and cost effectively.
System Audits
How many systems do you license and how much data is connected?
If your data is held in spreadsheets, what risk and impact would data loss impose on your bottom line?
Let us conduct an investigative systems and process audit, and we can tell you.
What System/s?
This is no time to be operating inadequate business systems that are unfit for purpose.
We have critically assessed over 30 cloud systems sold into the sector.
We’ll formalise your requirements and open your eyes to systems that will deliver significant value to you.
*"You know more about agency systems than just about anyone I know."
Brian Curran, CFO, kyu Collective
"One of the global ad industry's best systems and financial analysts."
Michael Farmer, Award Winning Author, Madison Avenue Manslaughter
"Thanks for your work in helping us choose our new system. You have been a great partner."
Rollo Price, CFO, Mother London
Blog Posts
Steering your ship in times of trouble
The stunning image is of the 30-year old 104,000 ton USS Abraham Lincoln undergoing sea trials in the Atlantic Ocean after a major refit. For the short video from where I clipped the image, go here, and to see it in "real action", check out the the soon to be released sequel, Top Gun: Maverick!.. Read more…
The UK creative industry is not innovating fast enough
The UK creative advertising and production industry is not a great innovator. I am no way suggesting this in respect of the craft, the brilliant thought and creative execution for which it is a world leader... Read more...
What do clients want? Give them the reporting they need...
Agencies struggle to produce the information to satisfy their own internal reporting needs, let alone for how their clients want or need their relevant information. Read more...
Valuing and tracking the deliverables. The latest ground swell movement.
There is a ground swell movement within creative advertising looking to kill off time as a means of determining client fees... Read more...
Get a good system to improve your communications delivery.
Greatness is hard to achieve in advertising with 84% of ads not getting noticed or remembered, and with creative execution the second biggest driver of ... Read More...